Over the next years as the Accessible Canada Act develops, we here at Accessibility TV will be bringing interviews, stories and insights into the development of the most important piece of legislation for disabled Canadians, ever.
So if you want to get the jump on the rest of the country and catch a glimpse behind the scenes of what is going on with Your Act, then join us. Because you won’t be seeing any of this, anywhere else!
Are you one of those people who seem to know things before everyone else? Then you are invited to join us to get the inside scoop on everything Accessibility.
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Barrier Free Communications
Canada’s new Accessibility Act is a game changer for organizations and entrepreneurs who are ready to develop new accessibility focused services or products or primed to promote those which they have already created or implemented.
The Act sets out new requirements that will generate a flood of needs in the Canadian marketplace for innovative new solutions that will help organizations in all sectors comply with the new standards.
Companies, Departments and Organizations need to gain insights on how to develop accessible products and services, to finding service providers who can assist them to transform their entire workplaces, spaces and places into accessible environments for people living with disabilities.
The Act will create a need for change in all Product Life Cycle stages, metrics and characteristics. The Act will also drive changes in how employees are recruited, trained, retained and engaged.
Our team at AccessibiliTV are experts on the new Accessible Canada Act. We are also comprised of top talent in communications and marketing. Our passion is to help entrepreneurs and organizations succeed by providing them with new solutions that will fuel their success.